WWE Terminate Sports Card License Agreement With Panini Early

WWE have reportedly terminated their partnership with the sports card manufacturer Panini.

According to reporter Darren Rovell, WWE have ended their agreement with Panini over 2 years earlier than expected due to “breach of contract”.

Panini have continued to sell WWE sports card products, despite the agreement being terminated 2 weeks ago – The WWE are expected to start legal proceedings.

Fanatics, who have a deal in place to start producing licensed WWE cards in 2026, are now expected to assume the rights immediately.

The news comes just a month after the NFLPA announced early termination of their agreement with Panini for licensed football cards.

Picture of Tom Flint

Tom Flint

A long-time collector of sports cards, Tom mainly collects soccer World Cup Prizm cards these days. As a kid, he enjoyed collecting baseball cards. He's a huge sports fan, with lots experience and passion for sports card collecting.

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